Stigmatine Communion

This series includes 37 reflections on St. Gaspar’s ideas on how to live Holy Communion in our Stigmatine Family.  In this series, St. Gaspar’s own ideas are examined in light of several recent official documents of the Magisterium.

To explore St. Gaspar’s own ideas, we draw on Part X of the Original Constitutions, on his reflections on the Eucharist in his Parish Sermons, and most especially on his Spiritual Diary [Memoriale Privato], in which we find his truly mystical devotion to the Holy Eucharist which he lived in the midst of intense physical pain over many years.

With respect to the Constitutions, it is noteworthy that St. Gaspar dedicated about half of them to the idea of “union”, unitas fortior; that is, to our service to the Church through her Bishops. But, he also used the Constitutions to legislate practices of a union in Community life, drawing much of his text from Francis Suárez, SJ’s commentary on the original text of St. Ignatius’ Constitutions: De Religione Societatis Iesu which argued for a new more missionary form of religious life.

With respect to the Magisterium, we will consider the following documents:

  • Notio Communionis, The Church as Communion  [May 28, 1992];
  • Apostolos Suos, The College of Bishops [May 21, 1993,  Pentecost];
  • Christifideles Laici, Communion of the Baptized [December 30, 1988];
  • Familiaris Consortio, Family Communion [November 22, 1981];
  • Congregavit Nos in Unum [Christi Amor], Religious Communion [February 2, 1994].
  • Priestly Sacramental Brotherhood] [PO 8-Vatican II].

These Magisterial teachings taken together with St. Gaspar’s own teachings can help us ponder how to live our Stigmatine commitment to Holy Communion more deeply through the breadth of our apostolic services and across the wide variety of our nationalities.


Stigmatine Communion 01

Stigmatine Communion 02

Stigmatine Communion 03

Stigmatine Communion 04

Stigmatine Communion 05

Stigmatine Communion 06

Stigmatine Communion 07

Stigmatine Communion 08

Stigmatine Communion 09

Stigmatine Communion 10

Stigmatine Communion 11

Stigmatine Communion 12

Stigmatine Communion 13

Stigmatine Communion 14

Stigmatine Communion 15

Stigmatine Communion 16

Stigmatine Communion 17

Stigmatine Communion 18

Stigmatine Communion 19

Stigmatine Communion 20

Stigmatine Communion 21

Stigmatine Communion 22

Stigmatine Communion 23

Stigmatine Communion 24

Stigmatine Communion 25

Stigmatine Communion 26

Stigmatine Communion 27

Stigmatine Communion 28

Stigmatine Communion 29

Stigmatine Communion 30

Stigmatine Communion 31

Stigmatine Communion 32

Stigmatine Communion 33

Stigmatine Communion 34

Stigmatine Communion 35

Stigmatine Communion 36

Stigmatine Communion 37